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PhD students produce their own pubs

08 January 2019

New publication from MeaseyLab PhD students

MeaseyLab PhD students Natasha Kruger and Nitya Mohanty have independently published work in 2019!

Natasha's work with her French supervisor, Jean Secondi, and former MSc supervisor, Louis du Preez, reported the parasites of an invasion of Xenopus laevis  in France and put these into the context of what has been reported for parasites of invasive X. laevis globally. They suggest that these frogs generally benefit from enemy release in their new ranges.

In a groundbreaking study for India, Mungi et al (2019) determine 21 important invasive species in India and advise on their management. 

Congratulations to you both!

Mungi et al (2019) Identifying knowledge gaps in the research and management of invasive species in India. Biologia

Schoeman et al (2019) Repeated reduction in parasite diversity in invasive populations of Xenopus laevis: a global experiment in enemy release. Biological Invasions

  Lab  Xenopus
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