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Tengchong Scientists Forum

01 December 2023

2023 Tengchong Scientists Forum 

Sometimes you are told to get on a plane and go and attend a meeting. Explanations aren't forthcoming, but just an imperative that you have to go. The 2023 Tengchong Scientists Forum was one such occassion where I was told that plane tickets had been booked and I was to go and attend. 

As it turned out, I had been successful in a grant application to Yunnan Province and this was the occassion on which I had to go and sign my acceptance... on stage!

This was a big affair, and I mean really big. 

These pictures are from the rehersal, the night before. The signing took place on stage. We had to sign live (synchonously) infront of an audience on tablets behind podia. It felt a little like being a contestant on a game show. There was lots of applause and we signed. I think we signed acceptance of the grant, although this is still not clear. 

  Lab  meetings
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