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Back to Cape of Good Hope for more frogging

16 May 2017

Back in Cape of Good Hope for some more Xenopus trapping

As we found quite a lot of Xenopus laevis when we trapped at Bordjiesdrif in February, I decided to go back and do some more trapping there and at Buffelsfontein Visitors Centre. 

The water levels in the Cape of Good Hope continue to get lower, and I've never seen GEPs looking so empty. A night heron flew away both times we visited, suggesting that opportunistic predators are taking advantage of the animals concentrated in a small space.

It was good to find Xenopus gilli at Bordjiesdrif, but only a single female was caught.

Thanks to the SANParks interns who accompanied me. Thanks also to Marisa de Kock for continuing to support the work on  Xenopus at the Cape of Good Hope section of Table Mountain National Park.

  Frogs  Xenopus
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