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PeerJ Day

19 April 2017

PeerJ Day

You can access the papers for free here:

Vogt, S., de Villiers, F.A., Ihlow, F., Rödder, D. & Measey, J. (2017) Competition and feeding ecology in two sympatric Xenopus species (Anura: Pipidae). PeerJ 5:e3130; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3130 pdf


Nunes, A., Zengeya, T.A., Hoffman, A.C., Measey, J. & Weyl, O.L.F. (2017) Distribution and establishment of the alien Australian redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, in South Africa and Swaziland. PeerJ 5:e3135; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3135pdf

Lead author Solveig Vogt visited the MeaseyLab in 2014 when she spent 3 months sampling the frogs with MSc student Andre de Villiers. Other authors, Dennis and Flora helped Solveig finish off the work when she got back to Germany.  

  Lab  News  Xenopus

Familiar faces in France

04 April 2017

Some familiar faces from the MeaseyLab in France

Giovanni Vimercati, Natasha Kruger join Jean Secondi in Angers this April. Natasha is starting her PhD project jointly at Stellenbosch and Lyon 1, and Giovanni is finishing up his post-doc in Stellenbosch and settling into his new post-doc working on invasive Xenopus laevis  in France.

And it turns out that the French Embassy also featured the same selfie on their blogspot! Do you think they got it from here...?

  Lab  News  Xenopus

Marike wins another prize

23 March 2017

Young Science Communication Winner 2017 - Marike Louw (2nd place)!

Many congratulations to Marike on winning 2nd place in the Young Science Communication Competition run by SAASTA through the NRF. 

You can see some of the prize winning story here. Or you can download the entire piece here.

  aSCR  Frogs  prizes

Talking at the School of Biological Sciences, Bristol University

20 March 2017

Bristol University hears about aSCR

I visited the new School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol to meet Marc Holderied and his team members. I learned about their fascinating approach to acoustic camoflauge in relation to bat predation. His team have some fantastic questions and a really exciting approach.

I used the occasion to give a seminar on our aSCR work. It was great to see a few familiar faces from my time there back in the 1990s. 

A big thanks to Marc and his team for their invitation to visit and I'm hoping that we'll see him in the MeaseyLab before the end of the year.

  aSCR  News
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