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Talking at the School of Biological Sciences, Bristol University

20 March 2017

Bristol University hears about aSCR

I visited the new School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol to meet Marc Holderied and his team members. I learned about their fascinating approach to acoustic camoflauge in relation to bat predation. His team have some fantastic questions and a really exciting approach.

I used the occasion to give a seminar on our aSCR work. It was great to see a few familiar faces from my time there back in the 1990s. 

A big thanks to Marc and his team for their invitation to visit and I'm hoping that we'll see him in the MeaseyLab before the end of the year.

  aSCR  News

University of Hull visit to eDNA experts

18 March 2017

Talking at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Hull

It was great to see Dr Katharina Wollenberg Valero agian and catch up with her in her new post at the University of Hull. We teamed up with Prof Lori Lawson Handley to conduct an eDNA investigation.

I gave a talk to the joint lab meeting on our work on invasive frogs in South Africa. 

  Frogs  News  Xenopus

Corey. Alex and Giovanni Graduate

16 March 2017

Graduation day arrives

Congratualtions to Giovanni (PhD), Corey (MSc) and Alex (MSc in absentia) for graduating at Stellenbosch. 

Great to see you looking so smart!

News coverage for new Capensibufo

16 March 2017

News coverage for the newly defined Capensibufo rosei on the Cape peninsula

NB: Don't believe everything you read in the press!

  Frogs  News

Vitising University of Toronto

08 March 2017

Presenting global amphibian impacts at University of Toronto - Scarborough

I got some great feedback from the folk at University of Toronto - Scarborough on our work assessing the impacts of invasive amphibians. In this slide I was talking about the article published the same day in The Converstation. 

  Frogs  News
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