Of the many remarkable things about this invasion of toads in South Africa's extreme southwest, this paper emphasises the very short time over which adaptive plasticity occurs: within two decades.
A talk to the Department of Zoology at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
It was a pleasure to address an enthusiastic group of zoologists in their weekly seminar slot. My host, Prof Marcio Borges-Martins, was a post doc at PUCRS when I worked there in 2001. Now he runs a herpetology group at the university with lots of exciting projects. I think my presentation may have just tipped over the hour long allocated slot, but thanks to you all for sticking with it!
Talking to a bunch of Brazilians about South African amphibian diversity is tough, but I hope I convinced them that there's lots of interesting stuff going on at the CIB in Stellenbosch University.
Title: "South African frogs: invaders and invaded."
Reesher Kearns is doing her Honours project using data from aSCR arrays from 22 sites across the Cape peninsula. Today we went up to a site where some male Arthroleptella lightfooti had started calling in Silvermine to go through the motions.
You can see some of what we got up to in the video below:
There's lots of preparation necessary before you set off, as well as once you're up there. A good walk for Star Wars day. May the 4th be with you too!
The honours students present their proposals in a compressed 5 minute format to members of the Cape Herp Club. Meeting since 2004, the Cape Herp Club comprises all academics and students who work on herps in the Cape Town area.
Speaker 1: Carla Wagener
Talk title: : Linking thermal threshold with widely distributed populations of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) over different altitudes
Speaker 2: Damian Van Aswegen
Talk title: A global assessment of invasive snake impacts using two formal frameworks
Speaker 3: Reesher Kearns
Talk title: Assessing the change in calling densities of the Cape Peninsula moss frog (Arthroleptella lightfooti) amidst Cape Town’s ongoing drought
After this, I gave a presentation on the MeaseyLab project: "What can YouTube teach us about why people want amphibians as pets?"
All talks were well received and with some great questions and debate.
Procedures involving field sampling of many vertebrates require ethical clearance for ecologists wishing to collect genetic samples for DNA analysis and involve an increasing number of different sampling techniques. A growing number of choices of sampling techniques require researchers to re-examine procedures which have traditionally been accepted without question.
The practice of amphibian toe clipping is controversial. The impact of toe clipping on anurans is likely to differ with their life-history and studies on performance may provide better indications on the effect of clipping different toes. Buccal swabbing provides logistical difficulties and requires more resources for extraction of DNA.
Sampling of tadpoles is likely to introduce bias in the example given for population genetics of anurans, although there may be good reasons for using this technique to acquire genetic material in other circumstances.
The majority of researchers need to provide sufficient information to convince an institutional ethics committee of their need to conduct ecological sampling. With respect to amphibians, we require more studies on populations using DNA to inform conservation decision making. Toe clipping of adults will represent the best current method for obtaining tissue samples for the majority of studies, as well as providing extra tissue which should be placed into tissue banking facilities for future studies.
One argument against toe-clipping is that it is unnatural. Recently, I found a pond full of frogs and crabs that made me think again about this.
Show me a population of frogs which have had their mouths naturally buccal swabbed.