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Functional Response Changes with Size in Xenopus

26 October 2018

Do you remember Corey Thorp?

To jog your memories, here are a few pics of Corey doing his MSc research in the MeaseyLab between 2015 and 2016.


Corey received his MSc in March 2017, but the work didn’t stop there. Together with James Vonesh and Mhairi Alexander, we took Corey’s MSc work to publication in PeerJ.

Published today, Corey’s work shows that functional response type changes as a predator grows, despite the predator and prey being the same species. This has significance as functional response is regularly used as a static figure for invasive predators. The finding suggests that invasions may change in relation to predator prey dynamics as a cohort ages, or depending on which sized animals are dominant in each system. This is very true for African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis, as they tend to have a single dominant cohort in a dam or pond at any one time.

Thorp CJ, Alexander ME, Vonesh JR, Measey J. (2018Size-dependent functional response of Xenopus laevis feeding on mosquito larvaePeerJ 6:e5813

  Frogs  Lab  Xenopus

Raising everyone else’s publication paywall

25 October 2018

Making Europe Open Access will only increase the height of the pay wall for everyone else

Many scientists in Europe will greet the news all authors will have to publish in Open Access journals from 2020 (M. Schiltz Front. Neurosci.12, 656; 2018  Nature 561, 17–18; 2018) with joy. But many more around the globe will be thinking of their future disenfranchisement by richer nations, institutions and funding bodies.

Open Access moves the payment hurdle before publication, requiring authors to find fees from $1000 to $3000, more than a lot of research. Scientists from low-income countries get full fee waivers (e.g. Hinari Eligibility). This leaves scientists from many other countries without fee support. Instead, publishing Open Access means using monies that were assigned for research.

There is an urgent need to begin recording the source of all publication fees, just as we now record the source of research funding. Knowing where those monies come from, will tell us who is marginalised. For example, PLoS publically declares spending 5% of income on fee waivers in 2016, but my calculations (using ISI PLoS publications for 2016) suggested that countries eligible for fee waivers only made up 1.1% of these costs. When asked PLoS declined to comment further, having no records of their fee waivers.

Looking forward to 2020, it is possible that even though fees may be capped on new and existing European Open Access publications, as long as there are still fees, scientists will be excluded from publishing. Worse, we will be forced to send our manuscripts to a lower tier of journals that retain pay walls. Science is a global responsibility, and when Science Europe move their own members forwards they risk disenfranchising others in countries that are already struggling to fund and publish their work in an increasingly costly publishing climate.

John Measey, Centre for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

An edited version of this letter appeared today in Nature:

In an examination of PLoS publications in 2016, I show that PLoS gave the majority of their waivers outside of their stated policy. Publications from their list of countries that receive waivers only acounted for 1.1%, while waivers are said to be given for 5% of publications. When I contacted PLoS about this, it turns out that they don't keep any record of when or why waivers are given. As someone who regularly asks for them, I know that they are often provided on an ad hoc basis. However, the bigger picture (especially for PLoS) is that these amount to large sums of money that are unaccounted for. When you add in the consideration that publication fees regularly exceed the cost of the research, the need for recording both where these monies originate, and waivers is clear. 

  Lab  Writing

Jean Secondi talks at the French Society of Ecology

24 October 2018

Jean Secondi talks at the International Conference on Ecological Studies in Rennes, France


In the gloom of the conference room, Jean Secondi prepares to talk about invasive frogs in France. The project, which includes MeaseyLab PhD student Natasha Kruger (co-supervised by Secondi in a co-tutelle agreement with U. Lyon), aims to show control strategies for the invasive population of African clawed frogs in France. Hosted by the French Society of Ecology, this meeting has some really top names.

Peering through the gloom in the room, you can just see Jean gearing up for his talk. Sorry I couldn’t be there, but Dave Richardson managed to take and send this snap!

You can find the abstract book here and more about the meeting here. Don't forget to look out for past and present CIBers (hey Giovanni!). 

Jean Secondi, Giovanni Vimercati, Natasha Kruger, Julien Courant, John Measey, Anthony Herrel (2018) Evolutionary processes, connectivity and control strategies in Xenopus laevis. International Conference on Ecological Studies in Rennes, France (October 2018). 

  Frogs  Lab  meetings  Xenopus

Risk analysis - EC style

12 October 2018

Risk Assessment at the European Commission in Brussels

I was invited to attend the a group of risk assessors at the European Commission in Brussels. It was an interesting insight into the shadowy world of the commission (what I saw of it at the DG Environment Building) anyway. The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was one of ten species that the group was assessing. I had reviewed the assessment before going to Brussels, but the visit allowed me to interact with the group that made the assessment, and this led to some important modifications.

You might see some familiar faces including (former CIB visiting fellow) Sven Bacher, Tim Adrieans, Helen Roy and Riccardo Scalera. 

It was great to work with this dedicated group and listen to discussions on some other emerging invasive species in the EU including the evil variable squirrel that has already invaded parts of Italy, but is an increasingly popular pet. You may or may not know how much I dislike squirrels, but I was heartened to hear that they taste better than rabbit. 

  Frogs  Lab  meetings  Xenopus

Bullfrog diet

02 October 2018

Bullfrog diet shows widespread predation on small vertebrates of the Andaman Islands - published today

Regular readers of this blog will know that I visited the Andaman Islands in February 2018 (see blog entry here). During that visit, Nitya and I finished the manuscript on the diet of invasive Indian bullfrogs that are expanding their range in the area. We went into Port Blair to submit the manuscript to PeerJ. This took us much of the day as not only was the internet very very slow, but there were frequent power cuts that constantly interrupted the task.

Below: Nitya sitting in a very small box in an internet cafe in Port Blair submitting his ms to PeerJ

Above: Nitya now sitting in my office in Stellenbosch sending back the proof of the same paper to PeerJ

The paper explores diet of invasive bullfrogs on the Andaman Islands. We found that bullfrogs ate most things, including many of the indigenous vertebrates on the islands.

Mohanty, N.P. & Measey, J. (2018) What’s for dinner? Diet and potential trophic impact of an invasive anuran Hoplobatrachus tigerinus on the Andaman archipelago. PeerJ   10.7717/peerj.5698

  Frogs  Lab
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