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Open Access for European Scientists has consequences

06 September 2018

Disenfranchising Scientists from Middle-Income Countries


We are all quick and ready to agree that Open Access is the best way forward for all scientific results. The aims and objectives of Science Europe are laudable and will lead to a far better publishing environment for European scientists. Scientists from other high-income countries will also benefit from this decision, having a far greater number of journals in which to publish Open Access.

If current trends continue, scientists from low-income countries will be granted full fee waivers. Many journals use the Hinari Eligibility list of countries to separate Group A (free access) and Group B (low cost access – normally billed at a 50% reduction in fees). The lists are made up from five global economic and development criteria.

Middle-income countries are missing from these lists, and receive no support for fee waivers. Their governments provide scientists with no means of paying fees. Scientists who pay fees often do so from their own research budgets. The increasing number of journals that charge unjustifiably high publishing costs are forcing middle-income scientists away from Open Access journals. In my own lab, publication fees are regularly more than the cost of conducting ecological research.

Looking forward to 2020, it is possible to see that even though fees may be capped on the new and existing European Open Access publications, as long as there are still fees, scientists from middle-income countries will be excluded from publishing. Worse, we will be forced to send our manuscripts to second-rate journals that retain pay walls, or start our own low-cost productions.

Science Europe must recognise that science is a global responsibility, and by moving their own members forwards they risk disenfranchising scientists in middle-income countries that are already struggling to fund and publish their work in an increasingly costly publishing climate.

There is still time to amend the announcement, and ensure that it will not risk the publishing of science from any scientist anywhere in the world.

This email was sent to Marc Schiltz but went without reply.

BDE345 trip to Kleinmond

01 September 2018

Learning about the impacts of aliens on lives

The BDE345 class took a trip to an area near Kleinmond to learn more about invasive plants and the impacts that they have on land and lives. The class spent some time looking at an area of land heavily invaded with Australian myrtle, black wattle, Port Jackson, and silky hakea. During a fifteen minute search in an area of around 10 m2 with botanist Jan-Hendrik Keet, the class found all of these invasive plants, and only 3 native species. The vegetation was around 3 m high and couldn’t have contrasted more intensely with the farm on the other side of the road.


One side of the road looks like this; heavily invaded with plants 3-4 m high.

This property, owned by Craig Saunders, is 455 ha and Craig met with the class and told them frankly about his 4 year and R3.5 million battle to get the aliens under control. When Craig bought the property, there was no difference on either side of the road. Now, they couldn’t be more different, and the same 10 m2 yielded a list of more than 30 native species, several of them endemic to the region.

The other side looks like this after 4 years of clearing work

Craig told the class frankly about how he had underestimated the true cost of the alien invasion, together with lots of practical lessons learned in getting them under control. However, everyone could see how much better the land looked. Although Craig acknowledged that the battle is not over, the annual cost of keeping the aliens under control should fall year on year.


Thanks very much to Craig Saunders for spending his Saturday morning with the class and giving us a great idea about what owning an invaded property means.


Why you shouldn’t do a PhD

16 August 2018

Why you shouldn’t do a PhD

What’s next for your future?

August and September are traditional times (in South Africa) for thinking about what’s going to happen next year. For academics, it’s the time that we finalise projects and advertise them online. Interested to see what I’m thinking about? Then you can look here and here. For students, there are much bigger questions because deciding to do another postgraduate degree will likely change the course of your life. We all hope that this would be for the better, but that’s not always the case.


If you are currently a third year undergraduate, you should now be deciding whether you want to do Honours next year. Honours is super hard work. It’s also a great fun year. Your first real exposure to a research project that is yours, and a super intense course with people who all share the same goal. It’s a year of great camaraderie, and you are likely to significantly enhance your chance of employment as well as your starting salary. For most undergraduates who decide to do Honours, the main problem will be ensuring that you get the grades. Most schools require good marks for undergraduate degrees, and with good reason. Not everyone will survive the Honours course and a good undergraduate degree really is the best indication of whether or not Honours is for you.

Honours students

Should you do a Masters degree? A MSc will again enhance your chances of getting employment and you will again start with a higher salary than someone with an Honours. It’s important to know that there are two types of MSc, one that is taught (with a project component) and which is over in 12 months. This taught masters is like a super intense Honours degree at a much higher level. It is not for the faint hearted and if you struggled in Honours then this is not for you. The other type of MSc is by research. If you loved doing your Honours project and really enjoyed the writing and researching side, as well as the practical doing of research, then a MSc by research might be for you.

Masters students

Are you getting ready to submit your Masters? Do you feel that you could do it all over again? Really? Well, I’m still going to say that a PhD might not be the right choice. This might seem surprising as so far I’ve been encouraging you all to do more and more education. Why would I not want you to do a PhD?

  1. Doing a PhD actually reduces your chance of employment, and over the long-term your pay will be lower.

The reality is that most employers don’t want someone with a PhD, because it is a very academic qualification. It should have taken you so far down the rabbit hole, that there’s very little left for employers to use. Employers who want people with PhDs (and there are a few) generally want professional researchers who are essentially academics. Good work if you can get it, but it tends not to pay well. You might end up only being fit to be an academic, and that life is getting increasingly harder without any end… like doing a PhD every year. Very hard to enjoy.

Academia is getting more competitive. Whereas once it was almost certain that you could be employed as an academic after finishing your PhD, this is no longer the case. Indeed, the number of people who get PhDs is greatly increasing the world over, and most are in direct competition for a decreasing amount of academic posts. Universities appear to be exploiting this excess of qualified people to hire them on contracts, reducing the number of full time positions. Essentially, this means that in most places your time as a PhD student, post-doc and junior lecturer will keep you outside the employers core staff. Joining those on the inside  (with well funded posts) becomes increasingly more difficult. Some have suggested that the world of academia is becoming more like a drugs gang (see here).

  1. Doing a PhD is really hard work.

It’s not a MSc with an extra year. It really is much harder and tougher on you mentally and physically. The chances that you’ll end up jaded and malcontent with the entire academic system are very high (maybe even obligatory). You are probably not going to be very happy while doing it (there are some exceptions of course), and it will likely have negative impacts on all the good things that you currently have in your life (think family, friends & relationships, as well as free time and fun).

  1. Any PhD has to be yours.

It’s entirely useless to do a PhD for someone else. You must take complete ownership in order to do it. In fact, you need to be obsessed with the PhD subject and really want to do nothing else at all. A PhD is an obsession where you can be unwavering and manic in your fascination with a subject. Very few people really understand what a great privilege this is. If you don’t feel like a total maniac for learning, a PhD is not for you.

There follows a great video by Simon Clark (except I suggest you stop before he tries to sell you something). It is well worth watching, especially if you are wondering whether or not to do a PhD. If you totally identify with Simon, and you already know what passion and fanaticism he’s on about, then maybe you should do a PhD. But you must have an exit plan. What will you do if you can’t finish it, and what you will do if you can. Please don’t do a PhD if you have no idea what’ll come next. You must have a clear vision of how you will use it to go forth an conquer the world.

If this sounds scary - it's because it's meant to! 

...and if I haven't put you off, then the next question is what project and supervisor should you look for. This is of course super important, but I'm not going to blog about it now. Maybe make an appointment to chat with me instead.

  Lab  Writing

Opportunities and issues associated with vertebrate biocontrols of invasive species in South Africa

03 August 2018

What is a vertebrate biocontrol?

This would be a vertebrate that you could use to control an invasive species. An example might be using cats to control rats or mice, or cane toads to control cane beetles. Classically, this strategy has gone terribly wrong for a number of reasons. Typically, there are lots of non-target species that are impacted by these predators, which can breed and have severe impacts. The pathway of biological control is at the root of many classic invasions.

However, it is not necessary to introduce breeding pairs of vertebrates, single sex animals will often have the same effect but are unable to have a lasting impact as seen in invasive populations that result from the biological control pathway. This workshop was convened to brainstorm ideas of what vertebrate biocontrol agents might work in South Africa.

 Left to Right: Ben Allen, John Measey, Alwyn Marais, Justin O’Riain, Riaan Van Der Walt, Dave Richardson, Sarah Davies, Chris Wilke, Debbi Winterton,  Chandre Rhoda, Nicola Bredenkamp, Jaco Van Deventer, Gavin Bell, Khathutshelo Nelukalo & Mfundo Tafeni.

In the workshop ran by Ben Allen (see here) and myself, we brought together government, non-government, university and agency practitioners and researchers involved in the control and management of invasive species in the Western Cape to discuss opportunities and issues associated with the potential use of vertebrate biocontrols. The intent of the workshop was to provide an overview of invasive species issues in the Western Cape, learn about recent advances in invasive species management in Australia, and discuss how these new tools and approaches might be useful to South African situations. The goal of the workshop is to identify any issues that may arise from the use of these tools and identify possible applications (if any) in the Western Cape.

There were some great discussion points from the participants, and we all left thinking again about the potential for using vertebrates as biocontrol.

MeaseyLab Retreat

03 August 2018

The MeaseyLab Retreat – 2018

Once again, it was time to head to the wilds of Kleinmond to all work together towards a common goal, while at the same time contemplating where we’ve got to in 2018.


It was a great space to reflect and plan for the next lab project (MeaseyLab projects). We’ve come up with a really interesting take on looking at the end of the pet trade: the fate of pet amphibians. This will be the focus of our joint activities moving forwards. Looking forward to linking this post to the coming publication (watch this space!).


This year we were joined by Drs. Morne du Plessis and Moeti Taioe from the Pretoria Zoo (now in SANBI). Both researchers are interested in the skin microbiome of frogs, and we were helping them swab both Xenopus species as part of their project.


Left to Right: Damian Van Aswegen, Reesher Kearns, John Measey, Carla Wagener, Nitya Mohanty. Nolwethu Jubase and Natasha Kruger missed the team photo - maybe next year!

Just to show that we did actually do some real work, here's a short video of our activities:

Thanks to all lab members who took part. To those who were away, we look forward to retreating with you sometime in the future.

  Lab  meetings  Xenopus
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